Maggie Hall Author Visit | Recap

Maggie Hall, a new YA author came and visited Herrick last Wednesday. Maggie meet with both 7th & 8th graders during 3 student workshop. During the workshops, Maggie Hall discussed her writing process, how her book series " The Conspiracy of Us" got published, and answered questions directly from students. 8th Grader Anna Sosnow said, "I want to become an author too, so it was really cool being able to meet another author and learn about the writing process." Students were thrilled to have the chance to talk to an author face-to-face. The experience overall was inspiring for many. Maggie mentioned that she was impressed with the questions from students.

As a young author myself, having the opportunity to come face to face with an author was really inspiring. As a newly published author herself, it was intriguing to hear tips from someone who just is just starting her writing career. Her life story was fascinating, as she talked about how her personal experiences impacted her writing. Maggie loves to travel, and some of the places she has visited have been incorporated into the novels. To me, that really makes her books come to life.

To find out more about Maggie Hall, check out her website @

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