Don't Be Fooled By Fake News

Fake news is big news at the moment! Many experts are worried about the effect that fake stories are having on the media and democracy, but did you know that fake news isn't new? Go on a journey through time to discover that fake news has always been around, and what to watch out for now. In a time of information overload, understanding the news has become more important than ever.

WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW - Ask yourself, how do you tell fact from fiction?

How To Avoid Being Fooled

Thousands of people circulated these false stories. Why? Perhaps because eye-popping headlines in our social media feeds make it easier for us to share content than evaluate or even read it. This creates a viral storm of sound bites without substance. Here are some tips on how to recognize a fake news story.

The Bottom Line...

We know not to believe everything we hear, but what about what we see? Advancements in computer-generated graphics, facial recognition, and video production have led to a world of viral videos that are often difficult to identify as fake. Your job is to know how to indentify if true or not. Don't go on believing everything you see, hear, or read. Always double check!

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